How to root bluestacks 2 easily
How to root bluestacks 2 easily

how to root bluestacks 2 easily

You only need to follow the below few steps for you to root Bluestacks.Ī) Launch your latest Bluestacks emulator and search for Kingroot APK from here. You do not have to be a technical guy for you to root Bluestacks. Kingroot is very popular when it comes to rooting for different software. Kingroot will help you in rooting Bluestacks 2, 3, and 4 which are the latest versions of Bluestacks.

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  • Let Bluestacks app player restart and then try the above method again. If the above method does not work for you directly, then install BS Tweaker, start it and press the ‘ Start BS‘ button. There is also another method to root Bluestacks by the Bluestacks Tweaker method. An alternative method for rooting Bluestacks You can also replace KingUser with SuperSU but their functionality is the same and there is not a lot of difference between them. It is required for providing system permissions to third-party apps and also allows the user to view system files and modify them. This app has been installed in the system partition and cannot be removed. You will also notice that KingUser has been installed in Bluestacks. You can verify if your device is successfully rooted by using Root Checker. Bluestacks may restart multiple times during this process, this is completely normal.Īfter the process is complete, KingRoot will show you a message saying that Bluestacks is successfully rooted. It takes about a minute or two so be patient and wait for it to complete. KingRoot will now ask for multiple permissions allow KingRoot all the permissions. Open KingRoot and press the ‘ Try to Root‘ button. You will see that KingRoot APK is installed. Step 5: After the installation is completed, start Bluestacks. A popup from Bluestacks will now show up informing you about the installation of KingRoot APK.

    how to root bluestacks 2 easily

    Step 4: Go to your Downloads folder and install KingRoot by double-clicking the APK file you just downloaded.

    how to root bluestacks 2 easily

    Do not download the PC version download the APK for android phones since Bluestacks is an emulator. Step 2: Log into your Google account and set up Bluestacks. Step 1: Download Bluestacks 2 from the official website After the setup has completed downloading, install Bluestacks, and start it.

    How to root bluestacks 2 easily